An Understanding Of Various Paint Failures And Remedies
Paint Failure is one of the main headaches when it comes to home painting. Home painting services in Bangalore – PaintMyWalls makes sure that we reduce the intensity of paint failure. Paint Failure can be caused by many reasons like Poor workmanship, lack of adhesion and incorrect type of paint. Due to this various like blistering and chalking of paints take place. In this blog we will be discussing about various versions of Paint Failure and it’s easy to do home remedies. 2 Blistering Of Paints Blistering of paint is due to moisture which forces up the paint film into little bubbles and is a major paint failure. A rapid rise in temperature will cause the vapours to expand and produce blisters. Paint Hack – Make sure the surface is clean and dry. Apply primer before painting and make sure to not paint the walls in hot temperature. 3 Bleeding Of Paints Bleeding is the staining or seeping through of a sol...